St. John's Parochial Church Council (PCC) Policies
The Parochial Church Council is like a Board of Directors for the local church.
One of the PCC's roles is to define policies for the church staff, volunteers and congregation. This page lists the policies that currently apply.

Access and Inclusion Policy
This policy is intended to set out our approach to ensuring that the church buildings, worship, activities and congregations are as welcoming and inclusive to all in the local community, and in particular to people with disabilities.
Under the Equality Act 2010, all activities that take place in the church buildings need to be considered in terms of the risk people face when interacting with that environment – either as visitors, members of the congregation or ministers and other leaders.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Fire Risk Assessment Policy and the Social Media and Website Policy.

Children at Communion Policy
It is our practice to offer communion to those children seeking to receive it under the guidance of their parents.
We recognise that some families may choose to wait before children receive communion. In some cases Baptism was not performed as infants and taking communion is reserved for after baptism.

Conflict of Interest Policy
There is a duty to declare an interest where a potential or actual conflict of interests arises, in advance of any proposed transaction or arrangement being decided by the PCC and entered into.
The Document defines "conflict of interest" and gives details of management procedures

Data Privacy Notices
The document includes:
Our legal basis for processing your data
Personal Data we hold
Purposes for which the Data will be processed
Third Parties to which information may be disclosed
Security and Confidentiality
Special Category Data
Retention of the Data
Data owner rights

Diocesan policy on recruitment
This summary is based on the House of Bishop’s Safer Recruitment and People Management Guidance published in June 2021 and amended in March 22. A summary of the document is available on the Coventry Dioceses website . The guidance came into practice in January 2022. Parts of the guidance are mandatory.
It applies to the recruitment of those working with children and vulnerable adults.

Fire Safety Policy
This policy is intended to set out our approach to ensuring that all who worship at St John’s Church are kept safe from the threat of fire and to reduce any potential damage to the buildings and fabric of the church should a fire occur.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Access and Inclusion Policy as there are a number of overlaps.

Health & Safety Policy
The document is in three main parts:
General statement of policy
Organisation and responsibilities
The third part lists items available to assist in ensuring safety, as well as listing those who are qualified First Aiders. It also includes procedures to be followed in case of fire, procedures for handling electrical items, heavy items and food among other things.
Revised October 2024

Lone Working Policy
The Lone Worker Policy, which is set within the Health and Safety Policy, outlines the actions being taken by the PCC in relation to our staff, volunteers and visitors who may at any time work alone on church activity, together with the actions we expect such workers to take themselves to minimise risks.
The purpose of this Lone Worker Policy is to ensure all staff and volunteers are aware of the specific risks in working alone and to set out the respective responsibilities of the PCC and staff/volunteers to minimise such risks. The PCC commit to carrying out their responsibilities in a thorough and disciplined way.

Memorial Garden Leaflet
The leaflet (issued May 2017) summarises the rules for the interment of ashes in the St. John's Church Memorial Garden and for laying of flowers on the plots.​
We hope that our memorial garden will provide a space for mourning, remembering, reflecting and praying. Its simplicity is in keeping with the design of the church and is intended to focus attention on departed loved ones and their maker.

Memorial Garden Policy
The document sets out how St John’s plans to use the memorial garden created in March 2017 as part of the church reordering project 2014-2017.
Rules and procedures for memorial gardens are set out in Diocesan guidance. Faculty approval for our garden was obtained in November 2016.
A Garden of Remembrance allows for the interment of ashes of loved ones.

Mission Giving and Support Policy
We believe that contributing financially to groups, communities, and situations beyond our own parish is very important. Therefore, as a church, we have agreed that at least 10% of our free will gift offerings should be given to Christian groups and other organisations whose work matches our values, whether in the UK or further afield.

Parish Statement on Domestic Abuse
All forms of domestic abuse are wrong and must stop. We are committed to promoting and supporting environments which:
• ensure that all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse;
• protect those who may be vulnerable to domestic abuse from actual or potential harm;
• recognise equality amongst people and within relationships;
• enable and encourage concerns to be raised and responded to appropriately and consistently.

Risk Management Policy
This document provides details of the approach to risk management adopted by the PCC of St John's Church, Kenilworth. It is intended to provide part of the governance required by the PCC to ensure that the PCC, as Trustees of the charity, identify and evaluate possible risks, are aware of those that have been recognised (and are on the risk register) and regularly assess how those risks are being managed.
Revised June 2021, approved July 2021

Safeguarding (4): Action Plan
This Action Plan has been developed to guide Safeguarding work in the church over the period September 2023 to August 2024. It is based on:
Information from the Parish Safeguarding dashboard
Discussion with PCC and Vicar and Warden
Requirements derived from Diocesan training courses and advice.