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Watch Again

29/12/2024  10 am

Holy Communion: Col.1:13-23 & 2:8-12, Matthew 1:18-25

Led by Revd. Rob Latham


15/12/2024  6 pm

Carol Service

Led by Revd. Andrew Attwood


01/12/2024  6 pm

Healing and Refreshing: 

Led by Lynda Howells and Ann Gibbons

10/11/2024  6 pm

Holy Communion: Why was Jonah important to Jesus?

Led by Revd. Rob Latham.

There will be a short act of remembrance during the service.

27/10/2024  6 pm

Extended Teaching:
Jonah chapter 4

Led by Revd. Andrew Attwood

06/10/2024  6 pm

Healing and Refreshing:

With Lynda Howells and Ann Gibbons

22/09/2024  6 pm

Extended Teaching:
Jonah chapter 2

The leader is Felicity Hawke. The speaker is Phil Sewards, who was confined to his home. See 

01/09/2024  6 pm

Healing and Refreshing:
Reconciliation, faith and hope

Led by Lynda Howells and Ann Gibbons.

11/08/2024  6 pm

Mothers' Union service:
Mary Sumner Day

Led by Felicity Hawke.

The speaker is Chris Rutherford, Branch Leader at Harbury Mothers’ Union. The reading is Luke 11:9-13

28/07/2024  6 pm

Extended Teaching:
Loving God Wholeheartedly

The speaker is Val Whiteman.

With readings from Luke 10 and John 14.

30/06/2024  6 pm

Extended Teaching: Jesus'
Example: Your will be done

The leader and speaker is Kim Matthews

02/06/2024  6 pm

Healing and Refreshing:

Led by Ann Gibbons and Lynda Howells

26/05/2024  6 pm

Extended Teaching: Loving God Wholeheartedly First

The speaker is Phil Sewards. Readings are from Matthew 22:34-37, 1 John 2:15 and Matthew 6 verses 24 and 33. 

05/05/2024  6 pm

Healing and Refreshing: 

With Ann Gibbons and Lynda Howells

Pre-July 2024

More videos

This page takes some time to load on some computers, and it would take even longer if we included all the livestreams and recordings we have made. So we've saved links to the older ones on some more pages - click the button to open the first one.

22/12/2024  6 pm

Evening Prayer
Micah 5:2-5 and Luke 2:1-7

Led by Revd. Andrew Attwood


08/12/2024  6 pm

Holy Communion: 
Expectations of Messiah

Led by Revd. Robert Latham

The speaker is Val Whiteman

24/11/2024  6 pm

Extended Teaching: 
What are the Gospels for?

Led by Revd. Andrew Attwood

03/11/2024  6 pm

A service of memories
... of the departed

Led by Lynda Howells.

The speaker is Revd. Andrew Haines

13/10/2024  6 pm

Holy Communion:
Jonah chapter 3

The celebrant is Revd. Rob Latham

The speaker is Matt King

29/09/2024  6 pm

Taize service:
United in Worship

The leader is Val Whiteman

08/09/2024  6 pm

Holy Communion:
Jonah chapter 1

The leader and speaker is Revd. Rob Latham.

The other passage is Matthew 12:38-42

18/08/2024  6 pm

A Celtic service:
An evening liturgy

Led by Val Whiteman. The service includes Psalm 91.

Some of the service will not be streamed due to copyright issues.

04/08/2024  6 pm

Eco Service

Led by Felicity Hawke and Gill Palmer.

The theme is "Looking at Creation through the Eyes of a Child". The live stream will be paused during the period for reflection.

14/07/2024  6 pm

Holy Communion: Mary:
Let Your will be done to me

The celebrant and speaker is Revd. Andrew Haines

Readings: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, Luke 1:26-38,

Luke 1:46-55 (The Magnificat)

09/06/2024  6 pm

Holy Communion:
Wholeheartedly Faithful

The leader is Revd. Rob Latham.

The speaker is Matt King.

28/05/2024  3 pm

Thanksgiving for the life
of Iris Elliott

Led by Andrew and Christine Haines

12/05/2024  6 pm

Holy Communion:
King David

Led by Revd. Rob Latham. The readings are 1 Samuel 13:14, 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Acts 13:22, Psalm 51 (read antiphonally) and (after a hymn) Matthew 19:16-26.

02/05/2024  9 am

Bible Study: John's Gospel Chapter 21 from verse 15

With Andrew, Lindsey, Pam, Michelle and Chris.

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