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Watch Again July to September 2023

28/09/2023 9 am

Bible Study: John's Gospel Chapter 7 verses 1-27

With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Pam Stote, Chris Waters and Emily, a student currently working with Youth for Christ.


Invitation: to join Watchmen and -women on the Walls

Revd. Andrew Attwood invites people to indicate whether they want to join in prayer for the next stages of our church's life.

17/09/2023 6 pm

Evening Prayer: Titles of Jesus: (2) Healer and Miracle Worker

The service is led by Val Whiteman and the speaker is Roger Homes

14/09/2023 9 am

With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Pam Stote, Chris Waters and Michelle Harris

07/09/2023 9 am

Bible Study: John's Gospel
Chapter 5 verse 30 to 6 v 15

With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Pam Stote and Chris Waters

31/08/2023 9 am

Bible Study: John's Gospel
Chapter 5 verses 16 to 29

With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Chris Waters and Pam Stote.

24/08/2023 9 am

Bible Study: John's Gospel
Chapter 5 verses 1 to 18

With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, and Chris Waters.

17/08/2023 9 am

Bible Study: John's Gospel Chapter 4 from verse 31

With Michelle Harris, Denise Coomber and Pam Stote.

10/08/2023 9 am

Bible Study: John's Gospel
Chapter 4

With Andrew Attwood and friends

03/08/2023 9 am

Bible Study: John's Gospel Chapter 3 from verse 16

With Revd. Andrew Attwood and friends.

27/07/2023 9 am

With Revd Andrew Attwood and friends.

20/07/2023 11 am

Thanksgiving for the life of Geoffrey Allcock

Led by Revd Roger Turner

16/07/2023 6 pm

Service of Evening Prayer: Healing of the Blind Man

Service led by Anthony Manning

Talk by Dr. Kal Rai

The reading is John's Gospel, chapter 9

09/07/2023 6 pm

Holy Communion:
Feeding the Multitude

Led by Revd Rob Latham

See John 6:1-15.

The first lesson is the next section! John 6:16-21

02/07/2023 6 pm

Healing and Refreshing:

Led by Lynda Howells and Ann Gibbons.

This service was not streamed because it had to be held in the church hall rather than the main building.

No video

24/09/2023 6 pm

Teaching: Titles of Jesus:
(3) The Son of Man

Revd. Andrew Attwood uses readings from Daniel 7:13-14 and Luke 5:23-25 to explain why Jesus calls Himself the Son of Man.

21/09/2023 9 am

Bible Study: John's Gospel Chapter 6 verses 25-51

With Andrew and Lindsey Attwood, Chris Waters and two students who are having their gap year with Kenilworth Youth for Christ.

17/09/2023 10 am

Learning Christ's Ways: 5 essential habits: Hear & Obey

The first of Andrew Attwood's series on "Five Essential Habits for Family on Mission"

10/09/2023 6 pm

Holy Communion: Titles of Jesus: (1) Friend of Sinners

Celebrant and preacher: Rob Latham

03/09/2023 6 pm

Healing and Refreshing: 
Where Do We Go From Here?

With Lynda Howells and Ann Gibbons

27/08/2023 6 pm

at Ashow church

The congregation is meeting at 5:15 at St. John's Kenilworth and walking to Ashow for a short service of compline. The service will not be streamed.

No video

20/08/2023 6 pm

Evening Prayer: What comes out of your heart?

Led by Anthony Manning.

The readings are Romans 11:29-32 (The Message version) and Matthew 15:10-28

13/08/2023 6 pm

Holy Communion: 
"To Obedience and Beyond!

With Revd. Rob Latham

The readings are Revelation 12:7-12
and Luke 9:18-27

06/08/2023 6 pm

Songs of Praise: 
with an African theme

Led by Rosie Lee

30/07/2023 6 pm

Extended Teaching: 
Narrow and Wide Gates

..., True and False Prophets

with Phil Sewards

23/07/2023 6 pm

Extended Teaching: 
The Raising of Lazarus

With Revd Andrew Attwood

John 11:1-43

20/07/2023 9 am

With Andrew Attwood and friends.

13/07/2023 9 am

Bible Study:
John 1:43-2:12

With Revd. Andrew Attwood and friends

06/07/2023 9 am

Bible Study: The Gospel of John, chapter 1, verses 19-42

With Revd. Andrew Attwood and friends

Pre-July 2023

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